• #20277
Arguing that the SNP are at fault for not respecting the "Will Of The People" would be pretty harsh. They represent people who voted to remain in the EU and stand specifically for not representing any other part of the UK.
• #20278
Only a small number of Tory MPs actually think No Deal is a good idea, but most of the party membership do. Most Tory MPs are terrified of that. Many MPs in other parties are afraid of their leave-voting constituencies. Nobody and no major party wants to be the one held responsible for stopping it.
No Deal.
• #20279
Still don’t think they have the nuts for no deal. Hope I am right.
• #20280
Sure - but to the people that they'd actually have to placate were article 50 revoked, I'd have thought that blaming the Scots / Germans / People from That London / whatever would probably be a relatively easy way to say "we wanted to do it, but were thwarted".
Anyway, I mean that you should be able to sell revocation as something other (optically at least) than an action of total weakness.
• #20281
Here we go again... hearing rumours of TV statement from PM. Just treat with care for now, this is unconfirmed.
Edit: aaaaaand, false alarm:
No 10 source says “no plans for statement”.
• #20282
3rd round of indicative votes scheduled for Monday
• #20283
What are the lazy fucks doing for the rest of the week I wonder.
• #20284
I hear on the grapevine that a statement is planned.
• #20285
When do we, Scotland, get a second referendum?
Surely at this stage the SNP are arguing this a change enough in political landscape to enforce one?
Ps forgot #LeaveTheLightOn
• #20286
This it seems
New plan - rebel alliance of Cooper-Letwin et al now hope to get the bill demanding Brexit extension through TOMORROW, with another round of indiciative votes on Monday
• #20287
Meanwhile two Dutch politicians have been busy and managed to get a ringfencing of rights agreements through the NL parliament. This is then hopefully going to lead to ringfencing of rights EU wide, no matter what happens in Brexit
Strangely enough the VVD (the Dutch PMs party and Dutch Tories, sorta, they aren't very xenophobic but they don't have to with the PVV) was not voting for it. Meh, hopefully Rutte will take it up with the EU council anyway and try to get a ringfencing proposal through so that rights are guaranteed for people.
• #20288
When do we, Scotland, get a second referendum?
There's gossip going around that May is opposed to Nick Boles's Common Market 2.0 option because she thinks it would make it easier for the SNP to argue for independence. Or that she used that scare story to frighten Tory MPs into voting against.
• #20289
What I can't quite understand is what kind of Brexit the DUP want...
Have the DUP actually voted in favour of any flavour of Brexit yet, or are they adopting their usual policy of just saying 'NOOOOOO' to everything?
• #20290
We still don't know what sort of Brexit we're getting. Several options on the table. The implications for independent Scotland depend on it.
I don't know if this was posted in this thread but (apparently) May's opposition to CM2.0 was partly that Scotland would just go independent and join the EU with no real difficulty - they could easily access UK (England really) goods + services and retain FoM
Edit: ^^ beat me to it
• #20291
I’ve tuned out for the past few days - can someone summarise WTFH is going on.
• #20292
I’ve tuned out for the past few days - can someone summarise WTFH is going on.
Simply put:-
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
• #20293
So we’re fucked then
• #20294
4th vote for @TM’s shit deal?
• #20295
Only if parliament can't agree on a course of action. Or makes a really shit choice because time's running out. How likely is that?
• #20296
Seems perfectly logical.
• #20297
Have we taken back control yet?
• #20299
Most accurate summary so far :D
• #20300
A red, white and blue Brexit
I honestly can't see No Deal happening - it'll be some combo of May's WA......
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