I've used GC for aero testing but I've not used it for training periodisation since I've owned WKO3 for over 10 years now. @scherrit has 'upgraded' to WKO4 but it doesn't sound particularly great so I've been avoiding it. I'm already paying RWGPS, Trainerroad and I have a TP account already, just the free one. I don't particularly like subscription models but if they're putting their time into TP rather than WKO then maybe it makes sense to head that way.
WKo4 was very clunky when I used it. TP is simple but does all I need. It annoyes me i have to pay annuall, but they have to make money I guess, and it's £4 a month.
GC is just clunky and no app. But then it's free and devd by one guy.