• Quite apart from the relevance why is he even taking pot shots at the SNP? Doesn't he have anything better to aim at at the minute?

    Labour lost a lot of votes in Scotland, where the SNP has largely stolen the mantle of anti-austerity.

    Scotland is still relevant, you know. Campaigning for Scottish votes is a thing U.K. politicians still do.

  • Scotland is still relevant, you know

    Apologies - I didn't mean it as Scotland being irrelevant, rather that the "40 years ago" point he's making is irrelevant. It seems like an odd time to be having a go at the SNP in any case when there's the state of the Tory party in front of him.

    I imagine there's a calendar with all the anniversaries of previous slights in it and today this one came up.

  • Margaret Thatcher is still remembered with much hatred up there. The SNPs interest in social welfare is relatively new. It's a message that will resonate with the middle-aged and older but mean little to most people younger than that.

    It'll have almost no effect on the balance on power in Scotland, though. The SNP is playing Brexit very well and Labour's official line on that (or lack of it) is useless in comparison.
