Our house needed a bit of work doing to it, EA told us his estimate of what the work would cost, we got our own estimate and some money was knocked off the sale price... In the end we were all wrong and the work is actually gonna cost three times the initial estimate... Gah!
I know you've got a buyer waiting but I'd be tempted to walk away... Can you afford to play chicken with them a bit longer?
In the end we were all wrong and the work is actually gonna cost three times the initial estimate...
Trying to catch up with this thread and this seemed to be the essence of the last week's discussion. And the only certain thing when you move into a house of any kind.
Tough one, I'd be tempted to walk away...
Our house needed a bit of work doing to it, EA told us his estimate of what the work would cost, we got our own estimate and some money was knocked off the sale price... In the end we were all wrong and the work is actually gonna cost three times the initial estimate... Gah!
I know you've got a buyer waiting but I'd be tempted to walk away... Can you afford to play chicken with them a bit longer?