I’ve just spent some time looking as the battery life on my 820 is only a couple of hours.
I opted for the 520 plus. Pretty much Full map navigation and no rubbish touchscreen that won’t work with gloves.
As it turns out garmin now giving me a warranty replacement for my 820 even though it is a month past the expiry. So the one I ordered from Halfords on click and collect won’t be collected now.
I’ve just spent some time looking as the battery life on my 820 is only a couple of hours.
I opted for the 520 plus. Pretty much Full map navigation and no rubbish touchscreen that won’t work with gloves.
As it turns out garmin now giving me a warranty replacement for my 820 even though it is a month past the expiry. So the one I ordered from Halfords on click and collect won’t be collected now.