Oh Jesus, fox poo is revolting. We get lots in our garden (I think there's a den in the grounds behind our garden). So glad they seem to use some other poor saps gaff as their toilet.
I would really recommend sprinkling chilli down if there's a regular spot where cat's shit that you don't want them too. It seems to last for about a week.
We used to have that problem. I then took a 9pm piss on the places the fox enters and exits every day for around a week and they stopped appearing. Foxes aren’t keen on unfamiliar smells!
Actually we get foxes in our garden but not their poo, luckily! (I worded it badly in that post!)
I really like having them pop by, as long as they don’t shit everywhere. It’s just cat shit we get.
Oh Jesus, fox poo is revolting. We get lots in our garden (I think there's a den in the grounds behind our garden). So glad they seem to use some other poor saps gaff as their toilet.
I would really recommend sprinkling chilli down if there's a regular spot where cat's shit that you don't want them too. It seems to last for about a week.