Heat treatment really depends on the grade of aluminium.
I think what you’ve described, however, points to further issues which sound like they’ll lead to more pain later. You’re not happy with the product and it’s not what you ordered. Sounds like you’ve either paid with PayPal or a credit card though. You can just request a refund through either of them and they’ll just refund you no further questions asked. They’ll either write it off or chase the money from Spooky but that’s their buyer protection guarantee. Just do that and be done with.
Should have got a sweet NJS frame with rainbow sparkles tbh.
Heat treatment really depends on the grade of aluminium.
I think what you’ve described, however, points to further issues which sound like they’ll lead to more pain later. You’re not happy with the product and it’s not what you ordered. Sounds like you’ve either paid with PayPal or a credit card though. You can just request a refund through either of them and they’ll just refund you no further questions asked. They’ll either write it off or chase the money from Spooky but that’s their buyer protection guarantee. Just do that and be done with.
Should have got a sweet NJS frame with rainbow sparkles tbh.