• The trade off between asthetics and function is tricky, especially when you get down to bass. I’ve been trying to work out how to get some treatment into my ‘cinema room’ (lounge) but the walls are screen/wallpaper/shelves/bay window so it’s basically impossible unless I start chucking soffit traps around the edge of the floor, which is going to look weird at best. I would do a ceiling cloud but that will wreck the cool Victorian coffering.

  • I could probably do a ceiling cloud without great difficulty. Knock up a frame, fill with rock wool, wrap in cloth and hang from ceiling. Would need to locate the ceiling batons.

    I may also put one into the dining room as I hate it when noise reverberates and people end up shouting over each other.

  • Oh yeah if you’ve got equipment to cut wood accurately they’re dead easy - I bought the ones in my studio but I’ve seen plans/calcs around for the ‘right’ insulation. Mine are on brackets that stand them off the ceiling, as the air gap increases effectiveness.

    I was going to mention restaurants with no treatment - nothing worse than the sound of chairs and cutlery scraping with people getting louder and louder!
