• Just expanded on my answer a bit above. Pinion is interesting. You can dump a load of gears in one go, going from 1-12 and back in one full sweep of the shifter. Well, at least conceivably. I can dump a few whilst shifting but it takes a contorsional twist of the wrist to achieve a full 1-12 sweep.

    I'll write some more about it all after the demo is done.

  • You can dump a load of gears one go

    I like doing this

    Hopefully, my Rohloff shifting habits should carry over well to a Pinion

  • but do your legs like it? I remember shifting 8-9 down/up in one twist of the wrist (with Sram/Gripshift) meant your muscles needed some seconds to adapt. One-cog-at-the-time shifting is more gentle to the muscles imo.

  • I'm already starting to get used to it. Being able to shift whilst not pedalling and dumping five gears, great when you want to stomp on the pedals when going into a steeper, faster descent or shifting to an appropriate low gear when coming into a climb is great.

    Again, the central position of the weight in the frame really does help handling. You seem to pivot strongly around that central mass whilst manoeuvring on the trail.
