• #2
These were £21 last week, might be worth waiting until they come down in price again.
• #3
Nice, I will keep my eye on it. Thank you very much
• #4
those are 130 road not 135 MTB spacing.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Shimano-XT-737-Rear-Freehub-32-135-mm-HG-bicycle-hub-NOS/253870842430?hash=item3b1be1a23e:g:~CIAAOSwTw5bm8P9 a bit old school but hard as nails hubs
Modern LX variant for £28 incl postage https://www.tredz.co.uk/.Shimano-FH-T670-LX-Free-Hub_63623.htm?sku=187362&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google_shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpsLkBRDpARIsAKoYI8xeJCLFBtkUM97bWshiJea7hWe-5vwFa5oETP_V7Tbo41dLL60WywkaAuelEALw_wcB# -
• #5
Thanks, good options and these are 135mm
Do you think it is a bad idea to use 130mm hub in 135mm frame? It's a steel frame
I am helping my friend with his road-mtb 26" Vamoose bike project. We've already got a silver dynamo front hub, hence now looking for a silver rear hubs. Specs: