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  • If I use a second server ads still get through.

    What is the second DNS server? Not another pi-hole?

    Also it breaks referral links (i.e. Google shopping which I use a lot). I used a whitelist off the internet but still no. I'm guessing that whitelisting will result in trillions of ads again

    Yes. But (at least if you are using one pi-hole, not two), it's pretty trivial to turn ad-blocking on and off.

    (I only use mine for DNS + DHCP, not adblocking)

  • What is the second server? Not another pi-hole?

    No, I'd be using Google or something in case the pi-hole goes down.

    Yes. But (at least if you are using one pi-hole, not two), it's pretty trivial to turn ad-blocking on and off.

    Yeah, I realised this whilst I was mucking about with it yesterday. It's a bit inconvenient though to have to login and disable. Guess I'd rather do that than have ads everywhere!


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