If you need the extra height/length then you’ll probably need the extended seatpost. If the standard is just a bit too short you can use the seat holder/clamp and just have it sit slightly higher than normal on the end of the seatpost. That’s your only fudge I’m afraid.
I use it with my extended seatpost as that’s just a tiny bit too short for me.
There’s nothing that will give you a couple of extra inches of leeway, apart from raising or lowering the seatpost.
Extended seatpost s are pretty cheap unless you desire the ti option. Then they get pricey pretty quickly. Ti workshop ones are pretty nice, and not too pricey as long as you don’t want pretty colours..
If you need the extra height/length then you’ll probably need the extended seatpost. If the standard is just a bit too short you can use the seat holder/clamp and just have it sit slightly higher than normal on the end of the seatpost. That’s your only fudge I’m afraid.
I use it with my extended seatpost as that’s just a tiny bit too short for me.
There’s nothing that will give you a couple of extra inches of leeway, apart from raising or lowering the seatpost.