MacBook is dead (doesn't turn on) - Genius Bar at Apple Store says it needs a new logic board (which I guess is the same as a motherboard) and will cost £460.
Not so keen on coughing up, knowing anything else could conk out and there would be no warranty. Anyone know of any reputable 3rd parties that would do it for less? Or where I could get a decent part exchange?
Not confident about DIYing it with a dodgy one on eBay. Reaaally not keen on spending £x000s buying a new one unless I have to.
MacBook is dead (doesn't turn on) - Genius Bar at Apple Store says it needs a new logic board (which I guess is the same as a motherboard) and will cost £460.
Not so keen on coughing up, knowing anything else could conk out and there would be no warranty. Anyone know of any reputable 3rd parties that would do it for less? Or where I could get a decent part exchange?
Not confident about DIYing it with a dodgy one on eBay. Reaaally not keen on spending £x000s buying a new one unless I have to.