Good decision.
I've just got home. Did about 70km, to the other side of the cotswolds where the route goes flat then came back.
I'm not looking for pbp qual and don't care about audax points but I wanted to have a decent ride with lots of time in the aerobars to test my position.
It's just a bit too windy to be able to ride properly. Was a bit scary on a few descents and often couldn't use the aerobars. Forecast was for the wind to get stronger at end of day and for rain. I just didn't fancy being out in those conditions, wind, rain and dark, so I'd already decided I'd ride to Newent and turn back. But when I got to the flat section I found I couldn't ride on the aerobars for the wind. No point sitting on the hoods for 40km, so I turned back then, which gave me about 140km.
That gave me a decent ride (longest since June) and I learned a bit from it.
Was interesting to do some of the route the other way round. The climb up cleve hill was bloody steep, felt like 20%. And Winchcombe hill was steep as well. I got blown off going back up there and had to walk some of it as too windy.
I got up and did a 2x20 then put the bike back together. Bloody gears aren't happy though and I've got sick of trying to adjust it - guessing something's bent.
I was right to not head out. Still sore and 300k isn't going to add anything to my fitness but could certainly tip me over the edge. Good to hear you got some done.What's tomorrow's forecast like I wonder..
Like you, was considering DNS but had a hotel booked. I thought maybe the weather would change and I'd be annoyed I hadn't started. Got the train home at Chepstow, which I was pleased with given that from about 60km I was thinking of stopping at Newent. the section from Stow to Newent has to be the longest 55km I've ever ridden, hated every minute of it! Couldn't face another 150km of cross winds. A friend completed in 14 hours (very experienced rider) but he said the section past the white horses was "heinous" but there were a few "magic bits" on the way back. He got rained on for 2 hours so I'd have been looking at 5-7 hours of rain. I was totally miserable apart from through the Forest of Dean which was beautiful, and a welcome distraction. My arms hurt almost as much as my legs today.
I'm out. Physically not great, mentally fucking borderline. Welcome to the flat battery club. Have a good one.