It took me a while to identify all the bits of plastic that came with it, and I've just looked again, but no.
Yes, I think the problem is that it's designed to use proprietary mudguards from Topeak (and early promo pics when the model was released mid last year show them) but they have never actually been made available.
Interestingly though I've just noticed Canyon do sell mudguards for an old 'Urban' model which looks to have very similar mount points - and is also 650b - I might ask them about it, but I guess it's pretty likely they'll differ in detail - although may well be adaptable.
Oh the fork doesn't have a caliper-brake type hole on the front either, only a vertical thread up into the steerer, but I realise that's relatively easily handled by removing the regular mudguard bracket, and attaching via bolt through the mudguard with a spacer.
Never quite sure if replyee is alerted to edits on the post they are replying to...
[Edit - forgot to say that I don't have an Arkose. Partly due to supply headwinds in the Arkose vertical, I have ended up with a Canyon Grail, which has superficially similar mount points, but does not come with a seatstay bridge, so am doing research into how it might be bodged]
So, a similar custom machined bridge is exactly what I've thinking of...
Oh, the Grail was supposed to have dedicated mudguards available, but they aren't.
Does it go without saying that a seatstay mount is essential for proper rear mudguard, in addition to securing to mounts near rear dropout and mount on seattube?