just seems silly that in the last 11 years (!!!) nobody has invented a better GPS.
Most GPS designers don't do stupid long cycle rides.
If they did there'd be a GPS that can display a track on a map, can record HR and Power over ANT+, and runs off AA batteries.
(Maybe some of the newer ones do, or other makes, but last time I checked Garmin didn't do one that does all of the above.)
The other explanation is that they market for such devices is just too small and so it's not worth the investment in the product.
USB charging makes much more sense for people who only do rides <12h as they can charge at home and never have the faff of batteries.
yeah I looked at the 705. Mike Hall rode round the world and tour divide with one.
just seems silly that in the last 11 years (!!!) nobody has invented a better GPS.