It ended up looking like it will clear, but I'd like a nothing half mm of clearance. I'll get back to that when it's been painted and I've found a rear hub.
Finally I had to look at the seatpost situation. It was supposed to take a 29.5 mm seatpost, which proved impossible to source, so I ordered a 29.6 mm #tester_approved Kalloy one. When it arrived it turned out that it fit when I had reamed a bit of brass for the seatpost clamp out. The seattube seemed a bit flared/mangled and it closes a bit too much for my liking, but I think it'll work.
It ended up looking like it will clear, but I'd like a nothing half mm of clearance. I'll get back to that when it's been painted and I've found a rear hub.
Finally I had to look at the seatpost situation. It was supposed to take a 29.5 mm seatpost, which proved impossible to source, so I ordered a 29.6 mm #tester_approved Kalloy one. When it arrived it turned out that it fit when I had reamed a bit of brass for the seatpost clamp out. The seattube seemed a bit flared/mangled and it closes a bit too much for my liking, but I think it'll work.
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