Hi. Yep, as @BareNecessities mentioned, I’ve used maple syrup as a gel replacement in the past. It works great and as it’s 100% natural is easy on the stomach too.
They used to sell 6x 1L for about £50, but couldn’t see that on the site anymore.
I’ve Mostly move to Colombian guava now. This stuff -
https://www.condorcycles.com/products/lucho-dillitos-guava-paste-natural-energy-bar?variant=12197450154067&gclid=CjwKCAiAiJPkBRAuEiwAEDXZZREMh6ePfCegj4pcrb5S5S4e4ZEsbFXkEhJAwBftaT03sVMmNLieWBoCdZgQAvD_BwEThough you can buy it in many international food shops on the high street for about £3 a pack! Don’t get ripped off.
It’s tasty, easy to carry, contains everything you need for riding and is obviously natural (even down to the packaging, each piece is wrapped in a dried leaf so is biodegradable).
Wow, thanks for the response,
Maple syrup seems to be the way forward, think I will get one of those pouches that Adam Hansen uses and go from there.
Regarding the actual ingredient that triggers it I would have to say, no I have not been able to fine tune it down that much.
I can drink orange juice without issue, and citrus does not seem to be a factor for me.
I have spoken to a number of companies ref ingredient change and Clif was by far the best help I could have asked for, certainly they went well above and beyond what I could ever imagine and as such I can eat certain bars from them without issue, Peanut Butter for example is my go to..
@PhilDAS, seems we share the same symptoms, 2-3 days I am man down, certainly they can come and go with mild discomfort but when the big one's hit they are absurdly terrible. luckily I have had so many that I do not panic with them like a lot of people. I know that certain cheese would trigger mine off hence I now avoid all dairy products, at the very least my heart will thank me long term.
Any recipes for Maple syrup that people have used that works?, quantities of ingredients etc?..