Claimed weights are always all over the shop.
No one running 28 and 32mm tyres should be caring about tyre weight.
"The GP 5000 TL is available in the 25-622, 28-622, and 32-622 sizes. As usual, we're testing the 25-622 version which has a specified weight of 300 grams. Our sample comes in slightly below the specified weight at 295 grams."
Specified weight of the 25-622 Grand Prix 5000 is now 215 grams while the Grand Prix 4000S II was specified at 225 grams. Surprisingly, my sample of the GP 5000 comes in at 221 grams which is more than my sample of the GP 4000S II that I've tested back in 2014 (which was a very light sample) and came in at just 215 grams.
GP5000's I can't get my head round why the big jump in weight from 28-32....
Weight: 23c - 200 grams / 25c - 215 grams / 28c - 235 grams / 32c - 290 grams
It seems that they run truer to size now though, how are people getting on with them?
Also what is the best match inner tube wise for 32c for a road bike, as I've been running 28 race with my Gp4000ii 25c.
oops sorry wasn't meant to be a reply!