I think I’m going to start having some guitar lessons. Which means cycling a few miles with the guitar. Which means I need something cheaper because I don’t want to take the Strat out like that. Anyone got a Mexican Tele or similar for sells? And do you think a hard case laid flat, sideways, on a Pizza rack is the way to go, or a gig bag on my back?
I've been meaning to do something like this for ages, I often travel with two guitars (or guitar and banjo) and in summer this would be a great solution...
I think I’m going to start having some guitar lessons. Which means cycling a few miles with the guitar. Which means I need something cheaper because I don’t want to take the Strat out like that. Anyone got a Mexican Tele or similar for sells? And do you think a hard case laid flat, sideways, on a Pizza rack is the way to go, or a gig bag on my back?