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  • Banks still get squirmy about shorter leases even if you have a share of freehold (I guess there's a chance that the other freeholder may try and block extensions, etc). The mortgage is on the leased flat, not on the freehold.

    @stevo_com It's not a huge amount of money but it is a very straightforward process as it's two identical leases being varied in the same way with no consideration due, etc. All of the quotes seem to include reviewing the lease for problematic clauses, etc which I'm not that fussed about as this when done when the flat was purchased.

  • @stevo_com It's not a huge amount of money but it is a very straightforward process as it's two identical leases being varied in the same way with no consideration due, etc. All of the quotes seem to include reviewing the lease for problematic clauses, etc which I'm not that fussed about as this when done when the flat was purchased.

    Any solicitor is going to want to do their own due diligence.


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