Yes. I have taken a camera on board before on a shoulder strap. At first someone tried to mouth off saying 'you can't bring more than one bag'. To which I turned to the side and said 'fuck off. It's a camera'. I didn't actually tell them to fuck off but I did say 'it's a camera.'
At first someone tried to mouth off saying 'you can't bring more than one bag'. To which I turned to the side and said 'fuck off. It's a camera'. I didn't actually tell them to fuck off but I did say 'it's a camera.'
Yes. I have taken a camera on board before on a shoulder strap. At first someone tried to mouth off saying 'you can't bring more than one bag'. To which I turned to the side and said 'fuck off. It's a camera'. I didn't actually tell them to fuck off but I did say 'it's a camera.'