• I'd have thought that stopping is a manoeuvre, it's effectively turning out of the stream of moving traffic.

    "signal my intentions before •performing a manoeuvre (if necessary)"

    So signal if required.

    Elsewhere signalling is classified as a must

    "Following a brief introduction by the instructor (and demonstration if necessary), riders must

    communicate their intentions to other road users (where present)

    before turning at junctions  

    communicate their intentions using riding position, eye contact and arm signals
    follow a systematic routine when communicating their intentions."

  • I'd have thought that stopping is a manoeuvre, it's effectively turning out of the stream of moving traffic.

    If moving clearly/cleanly out of the stream of traffic it can often be said the rider is not in conflict with anyone so while it's necessary to look and establish who they may need to communicate with it's then not always necessary to hand signal those continuing in the stream of traffic.
