It was a very 'runnable' course and not the mudfest I'd put 15mm spikes in for, the xtalon i brought too were a much better choice - made for fast descending with confidence.
Glad you made it @nefarious and felt ok if slowish, sorry we didn't cross paths. It was good to say hello to you @juanito briefly before & after, you looked fresh!
The next (Mids hosted) national at Woolaton should be more xc like...
It was a very 'runnable' course and not the mudfest I'd put 15mm spikes in for, the xtalon i brought too were a much better choice - made for fast descending with confidence.
Glad you made it @nefarious and felt ok if slowish, sorry we didn't cross paths. It was good to say hello to you @juanito briefly before & after, you looked fresh!
The next (Mids hosted) national at Woolaton should be more xc like...