2018 was a bit of a bonkers year for death metal, the volume of decent releases was almost too much to manage to the point where I’m still wading through a lot of late 2018 releases.
1914 are a band I hadn't come across before The Blind Leading the Blind. It's a really powerful black/doom/death mixture that somehow hangs together. These guys are obsessed with WWI (to the point where Ditmar Kumar is a Great War archaeologist in his spare time). Metal band + WWI obsession always sets alarm bells ringing, and required some background checks to confirm this wasn't some Nazi horror show I'd accidentally stumbled onto (a fairly regular and unfortunate fact of life when it comes to certain sub-genres of metal), but it turns out these guys are actually just complete history geeks. “Fuck Nazis and all kind of totalitarian shitheads” was apparently Kumar's response to that very question in a recent interview. Anyway, I love the sound these guys have and Kumar's Ukranian accent sounds really awesome, particularly in A7V Mephisto.
2018 was a bit of a bonkers year for death metal, the volume of decent releases was almost too much to manage to the point where I’m still wading through a lot of late 2018 releases.
1914 are a band I hadn't come across before The Blind Leading the Blind. It's a really powerful black/doom/death mixture that somehow hangs together. These guys are obsessed with WWI (to the point where Ditmar Kumar is a Great War archaeologist in his spare time). Metal band + WWI obsession always sets alarm bells ringing, and required some background checks to confirm this wasn't some Nazi horror show I'd accidentally stumbled onto (a fairly regular and unfortunate fact of life when it comes to certain sub-genres of metal), but it turns out these guys are actually just complete history geeks. “Fuck Nazis and all kind of totalitarian shitheads” was apparently Kumar's response to that very question in a recent interview. Anyway, I love the sound these guys have and Kumar's Ukranian accent sounds really awesome, particularly in A7V Mephisto.