you don't like him? fine - put up a contender, be the change you want to see and do it democratically
I left the party quite a while ago because I don't believe that under Corbyn actually wants Labour to win. I don't think wanting the party to be electable is a niche interest.
A lot of people have tried to be the change they want to see already. Claire Kober tried that in Haringey, look how that ended (for anyone who doesn't know Momentum ousted her, then appointed their stooge as council leader, ignoring the votes of local party members).
This is a quite significant misrepresentation of what happened in Haringey, where Claire Kober managed to unite almost everyone in politics in Haringey against a hugely unpopular development scheme which would have come at great detriment to local people.
Momentum - which also consisted of 'local party members', in some cases members of 20-30 years - got their candidates elected instead.
The "change they wanted to see" was property developer-led selling off of public land, and ordinary people didn't like it. See also: Lewisham Council and the Millwall proposal, Southwark Council and the homes in Elephant and Castle, Robin Wales in Newham.
corbyn obliterated the tory majority in the last election.
you don't like him? fine - put up a contender, be the change you want to see and do it democratically. don't further weaken the party by flouncing because your niche interest isn't being handled to your satisfaction. It speaks to the privilege these people enjoy that it doesn't really matter whether or not there is a party in power that sees the protection of workers rights and providing for the most vulnerable as something to be avoided at all costs.