• #17677
My call was for 7 MP's to resign?
• #17678
so that's a further increase in the likelihood of another 10 years of tory bullshit in the bag. but at least you gave that corbyn rascal a shot across his bow!
fucking cretins.
• #17679
i would like to know the reasoning behind doing it now.
• #17681
Just as the infighting within the Tories reaches a new pitch, somehow, Corbyn again is made the centre of the news cycle. It's unbelievable.
• #17682
None of these ‘highly principled’ helmets are ever principled enough to trigger a bye-election, for some reason.
• #17683
Umunna complaining that the main parties are split - in a speech announcing he is splitting from the Labour party.
• #17684
i would like to know the reasoning behind doing it now.
I can guess for Luciana Berger, the rest I'd guess they don't want to be part of carrying Brexit over the line.
• #17685
I think you can start with self-publicism, and you might not need to go much further.
• #17686
I assume that the hope of the labour leavers is that there will be, and that they need to have the new party in place pre-brexit in order that there is this lifeboat to jump into.
As for all the other indignant comments - what do you expect people to do, sit there whilst being ignored and marginalised? One of the consequences of the now frequently repeated "if you don't like it F off" refrain is that sooner or later, people will F off. And then get shouted at for that as well...
• #17687
i doubt many are that concerned that these arsewipes have finally jumped ship, lest we forget Gavin Shuker's parlous record on the gay marriage, Armani Umunna describing people as 'trash', it's their timing which has evidently been chosen for maximum splash damage against Labour.
disappointing to see kate hoey not amongst their number. maybe she's still angling for that ukip invite.
fuck these people into a cocked hat.
• #17688
Exactly what I meant.
• #17689
When do they form the centrist pro-EU coalition party?
• #17690
The Labour splitters are not exactly the crop of the cream. I also don't see what they bring what the LibDems don't already do...and with FPTP they haven't a good chance either. It sounds a little bit too much like a publicity stunt with no plan from this lot.
But then what is the correct way to react to a party leader that is unwilling to fight for a vote on the WA as per Labour membership wishes and is dishonest about the impact of Brexit (quietly dumping the 6 tests?)
I mean, serious question. You go, you split the vote. You don't go... you wait out a new leadership vote? That is the only option available?
• #17691
They're all Independent MP's as of now is my understanding, not a new party.
• #17692
Is there any evidence that any of these 7 nobodies were ever Socialists?
• #17693
Their former membership of the labour party, for starters?
• #17694
What do you mean by nobodies? I mean in terms of what makes them nobodies compared to any other Labour MP?
EDIT: I ask because whilst I don't follow politics closely, they are all names I have at least heard of.
• #17695
And who remembers Yao Wenyuan? Kids these days...
• #17696
The reaction here and from the usual suspects in Labour shows the problem.
Luciana Berger has been subject to an outrageous level of abuse, solely because she is Jewish. That the Labour leadership have been complicit in this abuse is truly appalling.
The lack of self awareness and reflection shows you everything that is wrong with the current leadership.
• #17697
I don't know enough about any of them to know if some came through a proper Labour route of say, active Union participation, rather than the Oxbridge PPE/Spad route.
• #17698
The reaction here and from the usual suspects in Labour shows the problem.
What reaction is that? I've seen a lot of dismay. Including from the MPs' colleagues and friends.
• #17699
The abuse.
• #17700
good grief.
Dammit, your call has been answered!