• #352
I just checked.
With the Fast Boot turned off, you can still do instant on and off with a single press of the power button.
• #353
Total fail on reverse proxy setup.
Toooooooooooo hard.
• #354
I blame nginx - I'm trying to get certificate based access up & running for HA using nginx, and it can >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
• #355
Yeah. Get nginx the sea.
• #356
What's the NAS running? I have transmission running in a jail on FreeNAS with openvpn/ipfw pointing all traffic into the vpn.
copy of Top Gun
Excellent taste.
• #357
The NAS is a Zyxel thing. Totally proprietary and lame. But it was cheap as chips when I bought it years ago.
I could replace it but, I have gone for aorw fun route and for a Pi Zero W which I am going to make into the outbound VPN gateway.
It's WiFi only but I'll put it right next to my fastest AP and it'll be fine. Big torrents are slow anyway and I will be throttling them during the day as well.
My existing Pi acts as an inbound OpenVPN server so I don't even want to think about making it into an outbound client as well.
• #358
I've been really ramping up my PI use recently. It now does:
Ubiquiti Unifi Controller
I am struggling with this. What Java jdk did you install?
• #359
No idea.
I wonder how I can check.
• #360
I followed the instructions linked to in the first post here:
But, that links seems a bit broken. Looks like he has shifted domain names. Link should be fixable.
Sorry I'm on the phone, with my right arm in a sling, so am not much help.
• #361
If I get time this weekend I may get my PI set up with PI hole and a vpm. All with a bt smat hub.
I have bought two pi zero w for a remote central heating control project.
• #362
Ta - that looks similar to the way I was doing it (bar a few additions vis. setting up daemons etc...)
I just ran into endless java errors, and it looks as though the pi repo for java is buggered.
In the end, I ditched the pi I was doing it on, whipped out a soldering iron & set up on a pi zero.
Much fuckery with subnets later, and I'm back up & running with wifi throughout the house.
Next - pihole.
And probably more DNS fuckery.
Hope your arm gets better soon!
• #363
Thinking of doing this:
https://www.instructables.com/id/Raspberry-Pi-Home-Heating-Controller/http://www.pihome.eu/ Or this for the idea using battery powered arduinos
• #365
What is the recommended distribution for a raspberry pi for running various software (sabnzbd, sonarr, openvpn, samba, etc)? Will probably be running headless (if it's easy enough to install this kind of stuff without a GUI).
• #366
Rasspbian should see you OK I reckon.
If you're running headless, remember to create an empty file named ssh on the /boot partition when you burn the image.
If you're running wireless, also setup wpa_supplicant (using wpa_passphrase let's you add an encrypted password)
Maybe also consider sheeting up dhcpd.conf with a static IP for wlan0 to make it easier to find on your network
• #367
Raspbian Jessie
• #368
In case anyone has really wanted to track their mountain bike suspension
• #369
This week I finally got around to picking up a PoE hat for my RPi 3B+, Nextcloud installed and working well so far.
• #370
Sorry if this is an obvious question. But with a pi hole, where does the RP actually "sit" in the chain?
Is it like this? And if so how does it connect with a virgin fibre cable?
1 Attachment
• #371
The pi-hole comes on the other side of the router part of your diagram. It can sit anywhere, even over wireless.
Pi-hole works by diverting DNS requests for ad-serving networks to a blackhole - You configure your router to route all DNS requests to the pi-hole.
That means it needs an IP address, which the router provides / deals with.
The Pi-hole wouldn't know what to do with the signal from the wall socket, as it's not a modem , and at the same time, your network wouldn't know where to find it, even if it had the hardware / software to deal with the signal.
The Virgin router is a modem / router / switch / wireless AP combo.
• #372
even over wireless.
You are not wrong but that is the one bit of kit that I wouldn't put on wireless. Just plug it into router's Ethernet port. Mind you I do DHCP on mine as well.
• #373
So for all practical purposes it's sort of like this:
In peoples experience does wifi work as well as ethernet? My router is untidy but hidden, so I'd worry about a RP getting bashed about, which means it would be easier if I could hide the pi-hole somewhere random in the house.
1 Attachment
• #375
Velcro tape is what I tend to use to stick Chromecast to the back of TVs, etc.
Ubuntu had all drivers out of the box.
Debian required me to manually install wifi drivers.
My Win 10 boot up time is pretty quick. You can also just not shut it down, and go into sleep mode which it sounds like is what you do anyway. The fast boot thing is just for full shut down, I think.
I always try to do a proper shutdown so as to not leak battery charge between uses.