I was talking to a friend the other day about an old Dawes touring frame I used to own, and realised I had no pictures of it anywhere which was a sad realisation. I've always been completely awful with a camera and generally documenting anything, so I thought I'd set this thread up in an attempt to spur me into taking more pictures of the bikes that come and go in my life.
Apologies in advance for the quality of the photos. I don't have a proper camera and have no idea how to take a good photo! This is a typical example of the awfulness I have on my phone – it's the only photo I have of my TT build process (and was only taken as my wife was out and asked if the dog was ok!
I'm also massively into metal, so I'll try and put some good tunes in this thread that I've been listening to whilst tinkering.
I was talking to a friend the other day about an old Dawes touring frame I used to own, and realised I had no pictures of it anywhere which was a sad realisation. I've always been completely awful with a camera and generally documenting anything, so I thought I'd set this thread up in an attempt to spur me into taking more pictures of the bikes that come and go in my life.
Apologies in advance for the quality of the photos. I don't have a proper camera and have no idea how to take a good photo! This is a typical example of the awfulness I have on my phone – it's the only photo I have of my TT build process (and was only taken as my wife was out and asked if the dog was ok!
I'm also massively into metal, so I'll try and put some good tunes in this thread that I've been listening to whilst tinkering.