• To put the job thing in perspective...
    The last sewing job I was offered was from a very well known bikepacking bag brand... They offered me twenty grand a year... Before tax.... And that was despite having nearly 20 years of sewing and bagmaking experience.

    I also don't have another 4 years to save up for this. My eldest son is in his second year at Uni, my rent on this space is high, building a new workshop and meeting suppliers minimum order quantities is expensive... Hence I made a plan, and launched a gofundme, like other businesses do in this situation.
    Hopefully it will work, but if not, I'll have to think of something else.
    To those of you who have donated, thanks so much... It really helps!

  • I think it would help if you had a plan for what the gofundme money is going to, if you’re set on that route.

    What do you need? A bartacking machine? A 300sqft studio in East? Help making a website?

    +1 to ma3k’s comment. No business plan = no plan for any business to be sustainable.