• small frame bag - looking at the rapha one or the apidura one, any recommendations between the two? or something else I should be looking at, more for long ride/credit card touring than epic adventures...

  • apidura, done.

  • Get to a shop and see both.
    They're much of a much so maybe the one you like the look of most.

    My rapha serves me well. Sure apidura would too. And the restrap I had before is still going strong with the person I gave it away too.

  • Can't comment on the Rapha one but I have the Apidura one in 3 and 4.5l and really rate them. Can get a lot in and super easy to get things in and out when you need to.

  • Both made in the same eastern factory, it’s purely aesthetic. Rapha claims “fully” waterproof zips but AFAICMO they are the same as Restrap use.

    Restrap would be my choice at half the price (or less?)

  • +1 for the restrap - mine's been on two decent tours now, seen some horrible weather, stayed as dry as could be hoped. Can't see what you'd be getting for twice the money...
