If you're going to Westvleteren I highly recommend stopping by St Bernardus brewery v. nearby. They used to brew Westvleteren's 12.
You can stay in their B&B which is very nice, and all the communal rooms have honesty bar beer fridges. Seems since I stayed there last summer they've built a swanky tap room on top of the brewery: https://www.sintbernardus.be/en/guesthouse-en & https://www.sintbernardus.be/en/barbernard-en
Also, this place was incredible on the route between Calais and Westvleteren: http://www.leblockhaus.com/en/
I'm hoping to do a week's tour Dunkirk-Hook this summer, family commitments permitting. My plan was to do easy days of 60-80km, leaving plenty of time for beer and sightseeing.
My days were going to be roughly:
Dunkirk-Westvleteren (beer!)-Poperinge (hops museum) - Ypres (Menin Gate ceremony)
Ypres-Roeselare (cycling museum) - Brugge (possibly brewery tour?)
And then take a day and a half to get back to Hook for the afternoon ferry.