Unifi Wifi setup including USG / POE switch / 2 x UAP-AC-LITE/ Gen2 Cloudkey
Unifi Camera*
Hive or Netamo Thermostat (because the current one is shite)
Hive Protect fire alarms x 3
Sureflap Smart Catflap
Some kind of smart doorbell / coms system (will already have a camera above the front door)*
Get smart gas and electricity meters installed*Remember when we liked simple things, like fixed gear bicycles?
Tongue only half in cheek!
I need to buy a few things for the new place so thinking of jumping in on this smart-home thing. Just wonder if I'm missing any tricks in terms of product selection for interactivity/ future expansion.
*these will be a way off in the future
At some point in the future I might want to install zone controlled heating, but I'm still not sure if this is worth while in my house where all the heat is going to migrate upwards anyway. Also keen to hear of any clever ways of getting these for a sweet discount.