• #2
a 2nd hand cx frame
Will you be buying vintage or modern? A lot of steel CX frames from the 80s had forward facing dropouts rather than vertical
• #3
I was thinking modern. The ideal participant would be the trek crockett with those funky droputs which will eliminate the need for these spendy bbs. Problem is, they rarely pop up for sale
• #4
Ah gotcha. Yeah those look sweet for a versatile do-anything bike
• #5
Squid spec it on the "tracklocross" build of their cx frame, so I reckon it should be ok - maybe mail the other mfgs?
• #6
do you think that the stuff like https://www.squidbikes.com/products/magic-tension-pf30-eccentric-bottom-bracket
Or others of similar type, afaik, problem solvers do one for pf30, wheelsmfg for bb30, trickstuff and phil for bsa, could withstand fixed riding?
I would like to build an allround bike by buying a 2nd hand cx frame with the possibility to ride it fixed, ss and geared later.
Thanks guys