Unfortunately, and as our own referendum travails reflect, we're about as united a nation as anywhere else in the UK at the moment; i.e everything the SNP does is bad to c50% of the population. Raise taxes? Unacceptable. Don't raise them, but have to cut funding to match austerity rUK? Mismanagement. Disagree with Brexit? Just seeking Independence. Make positive representation to deliver Brexit without fucking the economy into the sea? Ignored.
The budget was delivered yesterday on the first vote in cooperation with the Greens-reflecting consensual government in a system not designed to even have a majority, which to me is quite a positive thing. Media predicting snap general elections because it wouldn't pass, etc etc. Not likely to happen until maybe 3rd vote, with extended stalemate, so a bit premature to say the least.
It was won with some quite minor concessions on introducing workplace parking charges on businesses with 11+ spaces, with fees starting at 450 odd quid a year. Quite sensible, works out at about 40 quid a space. You'd think Sturgeon had just burnt a baby on a satanic altar from all the McGammons spouting rage over it in the media though, which is the fundamental issue plaguing our times; whether UK media dominated by rightwing Tory interests, or domestic Scottish media all set against the dominant Independence seeking governing party, there's vested interests sowing division where otherwise more pragmatic people would find compromise or at least engage in sensible dialogue.
I've a lot of time for Sturgeon simply because she consistently acts with dignity and doesn't engage in PR driven gutter politics, and if your pal is saying everyone hates her it's because he prefers to believe the comically stilted coverage of whatever unionist driven shitrag he reads, if not just the BBC's own SNPbaaad 24/7 showreel.
He lives in Scotland, minimal fleeing required.