The big money donors, and party strategists, (I presume they have some), needed a fortnights break from the constant coverage of the chasm within the Tory party, the electorate do not need to be shown in such detail that the 40-50 ERG flatearth brexitteurs are holding the May administration hostage to their preferred No Deal brexit, which it is becoming more & more clear, despite the claims of 'managed No Deal', will be an economic disaster.
May has previous for timewasting; back in December when it became clear she was going to lose the HoC vote on her Withdrawal Agreement, she postponed the vote to give her backbenchers a quiet time at home over Xmas.
Waste another fortnight here, and she may be able to scare enough MPs into believing the only options are her Withdrawal Agreement and No Deal.
So, following Tuesdays vote, and the EU's polite yet firm 'not on yer nelly, Maybot'....
whats next?, whats currently going on? has the weather reporting squeezed actual events off the front page or is there just nothing actually happening right now? I think I saw a report that parliament had zero motions tabled for this week or maybe next week despite there needing to be a lot of brexit planning being discussed that just wasn't happening....
Also they cancels the planned february recess so that MP's could actually be here to do some work right before the crucial deadline, although I also saw it reported that someone important involved in deciding that said that MPs would be in "unless they already had time scheduled to be with their families..." or something like that, so not really.