Oh it's definitely not an easy thing to 'fix'. But being aware of it and trying to counteract it - especially by getting people into government who will not just 100% continue everything as is - would be a very good start.
Regarding the tone, well, I've been confronted with a bit of the good old xenophobia myself here (despite being, looks-wise, one of the most unlikely targets of that) which has not really made me love the place more - I would not be surprised if the author of that text had had similar experiences. Also, I don't think the tone is that different from the one you can read in many UK newspapers / magazines when discussing other countries that are deemed to have some flaws - it's just less apparent then because it's not your baby. Not just UK newspapers btw, the German attitude towards Greece back when that whole issue was frontline news was smug as fuck too - it's very easy to adopt that tone.
Yeah maybe. Closely tied I think with that for people who can't office or computer or call centre or entrepreneur there is just fuck all to do. I think that's probably fixable, the class system is so baked in I think short of glorious socialist revolution we are stuck with it.