Not really what this is about, is it? I'm sorry, but this is exactly the attitude that is just going to make sure nothing ever changes. At this point, it would be wise to accept that there are major problems, and try to do something to fix them, rather than to feel insulted when someone else points it out.
Dutch guy: your baby is ugly! And here are precisely no actionable suggestions for improvement! What do you mean I don't get a medal?
I mean, I don't really disagree with the content. Well, not all of it. It's the tone that grates, the clickbait title, the fact that it's too. fucking. long.
Not really what this is about, is it? I'm sorry, but this is exactly the attitude that is just going to make sure nothing ever changes. At this point, it would be wise to accept that there are major problems, and try to do something to fix them, rather than to feel insulted when someone else points it out.