• #877
At least it's wood....never, ever, stick a knife in, to remove errant toasted things...my mate is buried near my brother...he stuck a knife in, my brother didnt
• #878
Jesus! Just use the grill in the oven. Less need for fire engines.
• #879
Bungee bodge to survive the day after my pdw takeout has failed in a third, and final way.
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• #880
Spotted outside work today
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• #881
• #882
Looks like they just bolted that sucker right on.
• #884
Useful hack from one of the mechanics at my LBS. Lucozade sport bottles (the ones with the membrane across the drinking spout) are great for adding tubeless sealant to tyres. Pop sealant in the bottle, then push the spout over the valve (remove the core first). Squeeze the bottle, and the sealant goes into the tyre without dribbling down the outside of the valve. Pull the bottle off the valve, and the membrane stops any excess sealant sploshing all over the workshop.
• #885
Truing stand. Not a single new part required, just a spare stock rack.
Need to figure out a way to get a solid axle in there (suggestions?), but thru axles possible with QR adapter.
A dial would be nice too because that arm is a bitch to adjust (edit: ordered the one that @Batt linked back in the thread)
Dishing may be the difficult bit given that the support arm bits have to bend to close on the hub. Won't be reliably centred every time.
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• #886
+10 ingenuity points
• #887
That's a cool idea. I did something similar with a hacksawed-off front end of a bike (headtube, forks, stem, bar, and lengths of TT and DT). I spaced (crudely bent) the fork out to 130mm and use a 130mm skewer in there. If you thread some spacers onto the skewer, you can use it to do wheel dishing (again, in a fairly crude way).
• #888
Now with dial. This thing is way too precise, those are hundredths of a mm. The pointer is going pretty nuts even with this dead true wheel. And I can easily move the rim 0.5mm just by placing a finger on it just due to the flexiness of the supports/stays. Think the mini dial will be more useful most of the time as that measures 0-10mm - once I've got it within 1mm I can use the main dial
Still, nice to know this random wheel is good to <0.1mm
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• #889
Next level
• #890
• #891
I grovel before you. Well done!
• #892
Love that. Super unnecessarily accurate. Is that a GIF of some pictures or a mini-video?
• #893
Little gif from a Google app called Motion Stills that I found today. Handy to have!
Thanks everyone, not bad for £10 and a parts-bin rack if I do say so myself
• #894
Not mine so I can't comment on how well it works but I like effort.
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• #895
Took me a minute. That is a proper rat/beater build. Love the surplus mudguard bracket.
• #896
700C BBQ
• #897
I’ve mastered the knack of working the qr on my seatclamp without getting off the bike but not managed to master the knack of setting the seat height correctly so I came up with this today,
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• #898
700C BBQ
Surely 650BBQ is the next evolution, keeping up with current trends?
• #899
depends, the gravelBBQ is taking the market by storm, but the fatBBQ is doing well in northern climates
• #900
Though your crimps are neater than my bolts.
Not entirely bike related, but my brother's temporary fix while they wait for the new toaster for Xmas.
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