Has anyone watched Earthlings?
Yea, a few years back.
Have just seen that there is kind-of a sequel, "Unity".
Watched the first few minutes of that and had to turn it off.
Remembered I did cry watching Earthlings back then.I do think there would be very few people still eating animals if they had a realistic picture about how they are grown, treated, and killed. So I think people ought to get that realistic picture, be it by watching these documentaries or however else. I think they should. I wish they would.
Still having discussions about this with both my parents. I tell them that in my opinion simply taking a plastic box out of a fridge at Lidl, paying 2.99 for it and completely ignoring the whole situation behind it isn't "ok". They just do not get it. They are empathic people, but they really do not "make the connection", to use the term of the vegan society. Maybe it's a tall order for the post-war generation, but still.
So yea I kinda wish everyone would watch these things; not really sure whether you can force-feed empathy to people but seems like a good idea to just show them what the fuck is actually happening behind closed doors - as, quite frankly, everybody just really is fucking ignoring what is happening behind these doors.Preaching to the choir here I know, sorry.
That generation is lost. They ramped up consumption and pollution/environmental contamination, so they could give you and I bigger Christmas presents. When you question that, it makes them feel like horrible parents, and they (mine at least) feel like it’s to late for them to change things and go into self pity mode instead of taking responsibility.
Has anyone else experienced that?
Has anyone watched Earthlings? Fuck it’s a tough watch. I mean I suppose if you’re already vegan then there’s no need to put yourself through it given you’re already not contributing to the problems it’s shows but I wish everyone else would watch it.
Definitely confirms the notion of if people could see what goes on in farms and slaughterhouses, everyone would be vegetarian/vegan