Random question: our car went in for a service the other day and first trip after it came back Mrs Sparky said it was spluttering and juddering and the engine warning light came on.
It’s gone back to the garage today and they’ve told her “corroded coil and plugs” and quoted £500. Not a single issue before it went to the garage.
I’m going to call at lunch. What do you guys think? Anything I should be asking? Sounds dodgy to me. Plugs are a few quid, right?
Which garage? I've had positive experiences with Mersh Bros behind Bellingham station, so if it wasn't them wot buggered it, they might be able to help you out.
Random question: our car went in for a service the other day and first trip after it came back Mrs Sparky said it was spluttering and juddering and the engine warning light came on.
It’s gone back to the garage today and they’ve told her “corroded coil and plugs” and quoted £500. Not a single issue before it went to the garage.
I’m going to call at lunch. What do you guys think? Anything I should be asking? Sounds dodgy to me. Plugs are a few quid, right?