It was great to meet everybody and apart from a few words at the start which was basically please point at potholes the job as ride captain was redundant as the group road very well and as the weather was reasonably kind it allowed us all to make it to the end.
Big thanks to those that did the work out front and well done to those that were 50/50 for the full ride in the morning but stuck with it for the whole trip.
Hopefully so you out on the road in the near future though next weekend i'll be on gears.
Gonna take the bait and attempt a mini version of YAL's traditional write-up.
Everyone rode together really well this year - it was really quite impressive. Although it meant that @FourGreenFields as designated ride captain didn't have to perform many of his duties... I'm sure everyone appreciated him taking on that responsibility.
@SwissChap put in some really impressive turns at the front and for someone who doesn't go group riding, he looked like he knew exactly what he was doing. However, @Camel_toe seemed to take the most away from the day as an unexperienced rider. Was quite humbling listening to him talk in the pub about how much he'd learnt through the day, picking up choosing which wheel he wanted to stick behind and generally how much he pushed through his own barriers to hang on to the group (and laugh through it). Very deserving of the ride award.
Other mentions need to go to @Scrabble taking a big turn on the front on the way out and @cagimaha taking a huuuge turn on the way back in against the headwind alongside SwissChap. And finally @pastry_bot for giving up part of his work Christmas party to stare at men's bums all day.
The group riding so well go's some way to explaining why we got everyone from start to finish, admittedly with kinder weather than past editions. Was a boost each time @clubman was spotted either driving past in his 2CV or poised with camera ready on the roadside - a shame we didn't see more of him after lunch thanks to the confusion of road closures but sure his ride report and pics will be excellent as per usual.
Thanks to everyone for riding, organising and making the ride happen!