The reality is a bit more complex. According to the studies, EU migrants improve the economy overall, non-EU migrants have a negative impact overall.
Breaking down the EU immigrants, unsurprisingly the higher paid ones have a positive impact on the economy whereas lower paid are approximately neutral.
Obviously the issue is that it's difficult to restrict to just higher paid immigrants and still get people wanting to come.
The curious thing is that those who are most anti-immigration tend to be those who live in areas of low immigration (but without a suggestion that they have intentionally moved there).
The reality is a bit more complex. According to the studies, EU migrants improve the economy overall, non-EU migrants have a negative impact overall.
Breaking down the EU immigrants, unsurprisingly the higher paid ones have a positive impact on the economy whereas lower paid are approximately neutral.
Obviously the issue is that it's difficult to restrict to just higher paid immigrants and still get people wanting to come.
The curious thing is that those who are most anti-immigration tend to be those who live in areas of low immigration (but without a suggestion that they have intentionally moved there).