The most telling thing about this whole debacle is that ‘don’t know’ continues to polll higher than both May and Corbyn.
If we accept the premise that the vote for Brexit was a reaction to Whitehall no longer representing the people, it seems to me that the best outcome we could have from this is a fracturing of both the Tory and Labour parties and a reconfiguration around new political groupings. But sadly we’re too tribal for that.
The most telling thing about this whole debacle is that ‘don’t know’ continues to polll higher than both May and Corbyn.
If we accept the premise that the vote for Brexit was a reaction to Whitehall no longer representing the people, it seems to me that the best outcome we could have from this is a fracturing of both the Tory and Labour parties and a reconfiguration around new political groupings. But sadly we’re too tribal for that.