So, back to the electorate.
We've had 2 years of unravelling of the Leaver claims,
from 'easiest Trade Deal ever', 'it'll be just like it is now, but we'll be free to spend our money on the NHS', 'They need us more then we need them',
to 'There will be sufficient food', 'Brexit will be survivable', 'I'm the biggest buyer of fridges'.Almost 3 years of newly age-allowed voters*,
and, three years of typical UK age mortality.should be a walk for Remain.
(* Vested interest; mespilus jr. is now old enough to vote).
'They need us more then we need them'
The lady behind the bar at the pub this evening believed this to be true. I'm still not sure why anyone would believe this to be true. Precisely why does anyone think that the 27 other countries in the EU are so dependent upon the UK? Genuinely mystified, particularly as it seems to be a commonly-held belief.
There is no way forward