I'm really not sure it's a given that TM would loss a confidence vote
And isn't posturing that you're going to raise one if the WA is voted down only going to galvanise Tories into voting it through?
I don't understand the desire for an election either (unless he's quietly looking for the ensuing disaster to reshape stuff as he'd want, in the same way that I assume the Tories are). I don't think Labour's Brexit position is anywhere mature (or at least, honest) enough to survive examination.
I'm really not sure it's a given that TM would loss a confidence vote, even after having her WA being rejected, normal rules don't seam to apply anymore, given the number of votes the government have lost you would have expected them to have fallen by now. Nothing will unite the Tories more than Labour making a move on them.
I also really don't understand Labour eagerness for any election, there coalition of voters are even more fragile than the Tories.
Labour’s tacticians will be acutely mindful of the stark polling figures. When YouGov asked how people would vote if Labour supported going ahead with Brexit, Labour slumped to third place, at 22%, behind the Liberal Democrats, who jumped to 26%. That’s a mistake Labour will never make, whatever Corbyn’s private predilections.
Labour will have to face the brexit issue head on and either get on with backing remain or very very close to remain or there going to loss again badly.