I can understand why she might be biased in that regard, her and a colleague spent two years investigating the illegality of all the leave campaigns.
Also, and I am definitely no expert on this and suffering from some fatigue with regards to brexit so also less caring about it all, but weren't there campaign spending limits in place which is why there were so many leave campaigns and that whistleblower, (whats his name? Wylie? you know the yoof with the funny coloured hair, yes thats him) were transferred from 'Vote Leave'to set up a seperate campaign 'BeLeave' and given a ~£600k donation to run targeted advertising on behalf of vote leave.
or something like that.
Edit: some source, the independant investigation reporting
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-illegal-vote-leave-eu-referendum-dossier-whistleblowers-chris-wylie-shahmir-sanni-a8275041.htmland from that article:
"They said the dossier, along with witness statements from Mr Wylie and Mr Sanni, “strongly suggest” a donation of almost £680,000 made by Vote Leave to BeLeave was actually used for Vote Leave’s benefit.The money was not recorded as Vote Leave expenditure, but if it had it would have taken the group’s spending over the legal £7m limit, breaching electoral law."
So I think it doesnt matter how much could have been monetized, to keep the campaign legal you couldnt spend it...maybe. im new to all this political shenanigans. I vote we bring back the days where it didnt matter if I didnt care about this shit. Im tired of trying to understand it and keep abreast of it all tbh
Interesting read. You can definitely see where Cadwalladr is coming from, but she does come across as having a huge bias, for e.g.
Not to take anything away from the illegal donations, but the remain campaign had a mountain of institutional support that if monetized would dwarf £8m.
imo people understanding the influence of unelected unaccountable ex-spads using the sort of targeted covert advertising that was weaponised is really fucking material.
fwiw I also missed that DC's questioning at the end was set in the future.