The Pi is running on a random IP, meaning that it receives it's IP via DHCP.
DHCP is set up on to have a range from to
Looking a bit further, I think it might be because the pi is not able to get an address from DHCP, and is giving itself an address. Which I never knew was a thing.
You should login to the Pi and configure a static IP for it. Then once it's stable, login to whatever your Ubiquiti DHCP server is and configure a static IP map for the Pi that matches what you've just done.
I'm trying that now - but even with the IP known, I can't ssh into the Pi. And I have no idea where my bluetooth keyboard went...
I'll try mount the Pi SD card somewhere else & mangle a few conf files.
After that... you're good to go.
Good to find another way to stop things from working, you mean.
And to think, all I was trying to do was replace a wall power socket.
Looking a bit further, I think it might be because the pi is not able to get an address from DHCP, and is giving itself an address. Which I never knew was a thing.
Happens if network is down in some way that prevents DHCP. Can either be total network failure, or some soft thing like the network not permitting the DHCP request even though connected.
The Pi is running on a random IP, meaning that it receives it's IP via DHCP.
You should login to the Pi and configure a static IP for it. Then once it's stable, login to whatever your Ubiquiti DHCP server is and configure a static IP map for the Pi that matches what you've just done.
After that... you're good to go.