I'm not a coach but... I use trainerroad and 1hr at low intensity (65-75% of ftp) burns pretty much the same number of calories as a series of 5 VO2 max intervals over a 1 hr workout.
However the low intensity one can be done fasted and more regularly so if weight loss was your only goal I would go for lower intensity fasted rides.
For just weight loss, probably. But if you've got a limited amount of time you're best bet is to ride for that time as hard as you can. If taking on carbs allows you to ride it harder then do that.
Also you've not taken into account EPOC (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excess_post-exercise_oxygen_consumption) with the VO2 max intervals workout.
Trying to up my indoor trainer riding as I seem to have lost all motivation to go outside on the bike at the moment.
From a weight loss point of view, is it better to be fueling on the bike indoors (gel/proper food) and to keep pushing harder or am I better off not eating on the bike and just running myself ragged/ taking my time?