Spent hours and hours this weekend fixing a problem of my own making - I moved a network cable, and ended up having to completely redo my network from scratch.
The icing was trying to understand why my port forwarding wasn't working, and I couldn't access a server from outside my network.
After too many hours, i discovered that it was because my WAN IP address had changed for the first time ever.
And some weird caching on my VPS DNS was making that difficult to spot.
Spent hours and hours this weekend fixing a problem of my own making - I moved a network cable, and ended up having to completely redo my network from scratch.
The icing was trying to understand why my port forwarding wasn't working, and I couldn't access a server from outside my network.
After too many hours, i discovered that it was because my WAN IP address had changed for the first time ever.
And some weird caching on my VPS DNS was making that difficult to spot.